Something for Everyone
About every Thanksgiving, I usually treat myself to a hearty meal at a buffet in o
ne of the casinos in Tunica, Mississippi. Most of the time, I prefer to go to the Village Square Buffet in the Horseshoe Casino that literally has something for everyone. The buffet consists of a dining area that is the size of a basketball court and several unique serving stations, with names like Good Fortune, Home Cookin', Hickory Grill, Rio Grill and Little Italy. Unlike some buffets that try to offer a variety of foods within one serving line, a person who's in the mood for Chinese can go to the "Good Fortune" serving line and get a full menu of Chinese and other Asian food items. Meanwhile, a dining companion can walk over to the "Home Cookin'"
station to get a nice Southern plate of fried chicken and collard greens. Personally, I like the "Hickory Grill" serving station the best because it serves quality meats, including a pretty good prime rib that's cut to order. (I believe the meat is cooked "medium"). Also, as far as vegetables go, I highly recommend the spinach served from the "Little Italy" serving station, for it has a rich buttery taste that is incredible. Regardless of preference, all of the food served is of very good quality. Frankly, I believe Village Square is better than most buffets that I've visited, including Paula Deen's.

To get the best experience, I always get a little of everything, including something from Village Square's enormous salad bar that includes crawfish and shrimp.
Now if I haven't totally stuffed myself silly, I might get dessert from the buffet's bakery that offers a wide variety of cakes and pies that are superbly made. In all, the Village Square Buffet is an eater's (although not necessarily a foodie's) paradise. It is a great place to take a family to, where everyone can get what they want.

For anyone deciding to go to Village Square Buffet during Thanksgiving or any other holiday, be advised that there could (and probably) will be a wait time before getting to enter the buffet. But believe me when I tell you that the wait is worth it.