Snack Time!
In getting around to writing this review, my intention was to continue with the "Finally!" theme that I started last May with my overdue review of Las Delicias. The reason for the theme is to highlight some of my favorite dishes and restaurants that I've neglected in my four years of blogging. Near the top of the list is The Silly Goose's Steak On The Stone (if that's not the proper name, please correct me), consisting of a raw steak (or chicken) and a hot stone to cook it with. This method of serving steak was very unique when compared to other Downtown Memphis restaurants (notwithstanding the former Butcher Shop) and something that I really wanted to try. Unfortunately, my past financial predicament prevented me from indulging in the sizzle of the stone (I'm currently not doing much better). Because of that, I waited too long for something that The Silly Goose no longer has. Upon finding this out from the bartender (the lovely Jessica), I was sadly disappointed. After accepting the news, I was at a loss as to what to order. With steak off the menu, I was left with choices of appetizers from Silly Goose's menu. Not satisfied with my options, I considered scrapping this review because I didn't feel that the Goose had anything worth writing about. Of course, I was proven wrong about that after I tasted some of the items from Silly Goose's menu.
The first thing that I want to talk about is something that had this week, as opposed to my first "official" visit. Among Silly Goose's better menu items is the Thai Meatballs that my friend and drinking buddy "John D." recommended to me. Immersed in a savory broth, the meatballs didn't have any of the Asian flavors that I'm familiar with but was very good nonetheless. The broth had a bit of spiciness in it and bolstered with slivers of red peppers and shredded cheese (Mozzarella?) that contributed mightily to the appetizer. Even without the meatballs, the broth (along with damn near a loaf of fresh baked pita bread) makes for a tasty snack to have while chilling at the bar. Of course, this is far from a full meal for most, but not many go to The Silly Goose for dinner. For an appetizer, the Thai Meatballs is one of the better dishes served in Downtown Memphis. I want to thank my main man for hipping me to it.
Getting back to my first "official" visit for this review, I want to mention something that Jessica suggested. She pointed out the tacos with chorizo, chicken and goat cheese, a modest appetizer for snacking before dinner (which I eventually got at The Majestic Grille, located around the corner (on Main St.) from the bar). The chorizo and cheese (along with the avocado) really stood out in the tacos, even after adding lettuce and tomatoes to them. The tortillas wrapping the tacos were slightly crunchy and held everything together, making for an overall good experience. By the way, if you order the tacos or any other appetizer (such as the very delicious hummus) during Happy Hour (4 p.m. - 8 p.m.), the cost is about $3 less than the listed menu price. With a deal like that, I will take advantage of it whenever I can.
I want to thank Jessica for suggesting the tacos and being an all-around great bartender and server. I have known Jessica (a former Flying Saucer Girl) for a few years and she is one of friendliest servers working in Downtown Memphis. A woman with a lot of sex appeal, she is always a sight to see whenever I visit The Silly Goose. Of course, I'm not the only guy who feels this way, for she has a small legion of fans (including a douchebag who I will talk about later) who keeps her busy whenever she's bartending. I appreciate everything she does (such as hooking me up with some delicious pizza... errr flatbread slices) and I hope to see more of her in the future.
Jessica is one of the many reasons to visit The Silly Goose. Known more as a cocktail lounge and nightclub, the bar is a popular hangout on the weekends for people who love to party. Personally, I'm trying to get away from the party scene but I get down occasionally whenever one of my friends is celebrating something special. The decor and atmosphere of the Goose is very casual, with couches and an outdoor patio for those who really want to chill out. Also, The Silly Goose has an excellent staff of servers and bartenders who are very professional and, well (at least for the ladies), HOT. All of it stems from the mastermind who pulls the strings, owner Daniel Masters. A gracious host to me throughout the years, he is a cool guy who I hope has much success with his bar/nightclub. Because of these reasons, I will always be a loyal patron of The Silly Goose.
UPDATE (May 25, 2015): Speaking of reasons, I have another one for brunch lovers. On Sundays from noon to 3 p.m. (maybe later), The Silly Goose offers an omelet bar that is very liberal in terms of what you can get. From the many ingredients displayed across the bar, you can choose whatever you want in it including a multitude of meats. So, if you want an omelet with bacon, beef, chicken and salami, you can get that along with a ton of veggies for ten dollars. But wait, there's more! (I think I'm going into informercial mode). In addition to a huge omelet, you also get a Belgian waffle and a choice of sausage links or bacon. The waffle is really good because it tastes more like a pastry, even without syrup and butter. Again, all of this cost ten dollars, which is a bargain when compared to other places. You can get similar quantities of food at places like IHOP for about the same price but the quality doesn't come close to the Goose. In my opinion, this is probably one of the best brunch deals in Downtown Memphis, if not the entire city.

NOTE: The "Goose" has stopped serving brunch and pasta.
UPDATE (February 5, 2020): Silly Goose recently installed a wood fire oven for making gourmet pizzas. For the most part, the pizzas are really good although some of them might be a little too fancy. An example of that is the "Low & Slow", Silly Goose's version of a barbecue pizza. For my thoughts about it, check out my "mini blog" on Tumblr. If you want something fancier, try the Goose's Duck Confit pizza, topped with Fontina cheese, arugula, figs and of course, duck. The pizza, like the rest of them on Silly Goose's menu, is really good.

Before I Go...
Again, I want to thank Jessica for serving me and being a great bartender/server to everyone that visits The Silly Goose. "Everyone" even includes a certain individual who has a serious problem with me being around him and his friends. For whatever reason, "Mr. Load Turd" has an obsession with preventing me from having any association with his favorite neighborhood, Downtown Memphis. While he has been somewhat successful (with the help of my personal stumbles) in swaying some to his opinion, I still have relationships with a lot of Downtowners despite my troubles. That includes some of my drinking buddies who I enjoy having a beer with at my favorite bars like The Silly Goose, which happens to have regulars like "Load." Despite his whining, I will continue to hang with my friends as long as they're cool with it. I will also keep seeing my favorite bartenders like Jessica who makes Downtown Memphis worthwhile. If "Load" can't deal with it, he should see a shrink. Not that I'm a psychiatrist (just a modestly paid graphic artist) but when I analyze it, I see "Turd's" personality as similar to South Park's Eric Cartman. Like the cartoon character who suffers from Only Child Syndrome, he's a fat, selfish douchebag who whines when he doesn't get his way. Also, they both like eating at Casa Bonita (check Poly Roly's Journal to see that I'm not making this up). Of course, he won't follow my advice but I'm putting it out here in case someone wants to help him with his anxiety over me.
SIDE NOTE: One of the things that a counselor can discuss with "Mr. Load Turd" is his belief that I'm following him. A simple comparison of Foursquare (now "Swarm") check-ins will show that isn't true. For my part, I currently spend a lot of time at The Slider Inn in Midtown, far from "Load's" sacred Downtown.
UPDATE: As of May 5, 2020, the new "mayor" of the "Goose" is this guy. It seems it takes a viral pandemic to keep "Mr. Load Turd" away from his favorite passion, drinking copious amounts of beer until passing out. Speaking of viruses, the Silly Goose was one of the few Memphis bars and restaurants that have opened its doors when Mayor Jim Strickland initiated the "Back to Business" plan to reopen the city that "closed" because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's been welcome by me and all the other "regulars" who rely on the "Goose" to chill after a day of work, even if that "work" is from home.
Also, I want to clarify something else that "Mr. Load Turd" said about me recently. While sitting at The Silly Goose's bar with our mutual friends (who started things off with a discussion about where LeBron James will play next season), I overheard "Load" bragging about his dysfunctional barbecue team's "trophy" that it won at the Memphis in May BBQ Fest. He was playfully rubbing it in that his team took a trophy while our friends left the fest empty-handed. Although I didn't comment on it while I was at the bar (other than responding to "Turd" calling me a retard), I chuckled at what I heard. For "Roly Poly" to talk shit about winning a non-food trophy to guys who bailed out his "well managed"